
Australharmony Biographical Register G Ga-gly

A declare by Mr. Gard, musician, against the lessee of the Theatre Royal. Defendant acknowledged to be at Victoria by the summoning officer, Mr. Fleming, who mentioned he served the summons at Devonshire House. Plaintiff swore that he was a musician; he performed the double bass (a laugh). And Mr. Poole owed him £6 15s for three weeks salary, at £2 5s. The last time he asked the defendant for the money he said he could not afford to pay them. He had since gone to Victoria.

second daughter of the late Capt. Gilbee, of Standon Hall, Berkshire. MUSIC – Violin, Harp, and Cornopeon taught. Musical instruments of every description readily available, low cost. W. Gigney, 121 Little Bourke-street east. Our old favorites, Madame Carandini, Miss Urie, M.M. Laglaise and Lavenu,

Isabella MELODIA

PIANOFORTES REPAIRED or Exchanged. Litolff and Glen, 172 Bourke-streot, above Russell-street. PIANOFORTES correctly TUNED, &c. Litolff, formerly eight years with Messrs. Broadwood. See additionally Isabel Throsby’s album, the contents of which were collected across the identical time and barely later. MR. GIRARD’s fine mill, adjoining Barker’s, is almost completed.

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the lecture of that evening had been entirely re-written. He then commenced his handle, and for greater than an hour fully enchained the eye of the audience, who repeatedly manifested their appreciation of his eloquence by their hearty applause . A Band of Italian Musicians, whose expertise PM Civil Pty Ltd was unsurpassed in their native nation, having just lately arrived on this colony,

An addition to the listing has lately been made by the publication of “The Adelaide Schottische,” composed by Mr. Joseph Elliott, lithographed in Messrs. Penman & Galbraith’s finest fashion, respectfully dedicated to the women of South Australia, and sold at an unusually low value . A very fairly waltz by Mrs. W. H. Thirkell, and devoted by permission to His Excellency and Lady MacDonnell, has just been revealed, as may have been seen from the ads in the public papers.

In Fremantle on Saturday and Monday eveniugs last they played to crowded houses, scores of people having to be refused admittance. On Wednesday (this) evening they play at Guildford; thence proceed to York, Northam, and Newcastle, where they will be tremendously appreciated. On their return from the Eastern districts they will once more play in Guildford, Perth, and Fremantle, when they will be certain to attract bumper homes. This cantata is a composition in 4 components, which had been severally rendered by Mesdames Sara Flower and Carandini, and Messrs. F.

The College Of Sydney –

Knew Mr. Hogue for many years; all the time discovered him a honest and very sober man; by no means heard something unhealthy of him; retains a very respectable house. Mr. Purefoy called as witnesses, Valentine Bridekirk, George Achurch, Thomas Abbott, the Rev. Frederick Wilkinson, William Lowe. Mr. Gabb, an old and experienced leader of orchestras, had been chosen leader of the society;

Mr. Norton, in his dancing melange, proved that he’s as completed as ever, and his reception was totally hearty. Mr. Gee performs properly on the piano, and Mr. Nish is a intelligent violinist, with out rating with the masters of that instrument whom we’ve had right here. Mr. Maurice B. E. Gee, who died on July 5, on the age of 75, was born at Ackworth-Moor-Tap, Yorkshire, in 1847, and got here to South Australia with his dad and mom in 1852. He led a really quiet and retired life.

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The amount realised in help of the benevolent object sought to have been benefited should have been considerable, and the entertainment in itself was a deal with to all who can get pleasure from nice music. This exhibition happened at Mr. Levey’s Theatre on Monday, but the wetness of the weather prevented the viewers from being so quite a few as was anticipated;

Practice, this evening, at half-past 7 sharp. A few further members required. MASON’S SALOON – Re-Engagement of Mr. Gatland, late of the Victoria Theatre. Passing over his early days, which had been uneventful, in 1847 he was appointed Second-Lieutenant in the First Regiment of the Swiss Guards.

will begin her engagement at the above Theatre on MONDAY, the 19th instant, in a model new Drama, entitled THE WAIF OF THE STREETS, by which Mr. and Mrs. FRANK TOWERS will also seem. MADAM GLOGOSKI begs to tell the inhabitants of Shoalhaven, that she intends giving classes on the Pianoforte, Singing, Dancing, and each description of Fancy Work. Shoalhaven, 20th August, 1859. A BALL AND REFRESHMENT shall be given in the spacious saloon of the Wollongong Hotel, on

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