
What is known and what is unknown about cannabidiol (CBD)

Media coverage of cannabidiol (CBD) is common, and it’s possible to see it promoted as a supplement to your morning coffee or smoothie after working exercise. Even a sports bra with CBD infusion is available. However, what is CBD exactly? Why is it so well-liked, then?

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What distinguishes cannabidiol from hemp, cannabis, and marijuana?

Cannabidiol, sometimes known as CBD, is the second most common active component in cannabis (marijuana). Even though CBD is a crucial part of medicinal marijuana, it is either produced in a lab or directly extracted from the hemp plant, which is related to the marijuana plant. CBD is one of the hundreds of ingredients in marijuana, and it doesn’t get you high on its own.

The World Health Organization said in a report that “CBD shows no signs of misuse or dependency potential in humans. There is now no proof that using pure CBD is linked to any issues with public health.” The journal Neuropsychopharmacology has published a research that came to the conclusion that “acute CBD alone is unlikely to significantly impair daily functioning or workplace performance.”

Cannabidiol: Is it legal?

In most areas of the United States, CBD is easily accessible, although its precise legal status has been subject to change. Laws ranging in degree that legalize CBD are in place in all 50 states. The FDA loosened regulations in December 2015 to make it possible for researchers to carry out CBD experiments. It is now very difficult to keep CBD illegal in the US thanks to the Farm Bill of 2018, which also made hemp legal. It would be analogous to legalizing oranges but outlawing orange juice.

All hemp-derived products, including CBD, were taken off of the Controlled Substances Act, which made drug possession illegal, thanks to the Farm Bill. Essentially, this implies that even though CBD and cannabis are the same chemical, hemp-derived CBD is legal while cannabis-derived CBD is not. Since CBD is legal in most states, a lot of individuals are already purchasing it online without a medical marijuana license.

The proof of cannabidiol’s health advantages

CBD has been promoted as a solution for many different health problems, but the most compelling scientific data supports its use in treating some of the most severe childhood epilepsy syndromes, like Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), which are often unresponsive to antiseizure drugs. Numerous studies have shown that CBD can lessen the frequency of seizures and, in certain situations, completely halt them. Epidiolex is the first cannabis-derived medication that the FDA has approved for these diseases. It is mostly made up of CBD.

Studies on animals and human self-reports or study indicate that CBD may also be helpful for:

Anxiety: Research and clinical studies are looking into the widespread claim that CBD helps lessen anxiety.

Research on insomnia reveals that CBD may assist with both getting to sleep and remaining asleep, possibly by reducing anxiety and chronic pain.

Chronic pain: Human research is starting to support the idea that CBD reduces pain. According to an animal research published in the European Journal of Pain, applying CBD topically to the skin may help reduce arthritis-related pain and inflammation. Additional studies show that CBD may prevent difficult-to-treat inflammatory and neuropathic pain.

Addiction: Some human research suggests that, in some situations, CBD can help reduce cravings for smoke and heroin. It could also aid in reducing cravings for other addictive drugs including alcohol, cannabis, opioids, and stimulants, according to animal models of addiction.

Is CBD secure?

CBD side effects include weariness, agitation, and nausea. By competing with the liver enzymes that break down these medications, CBD can raise the concentration of blood thinners and other medications in your blood. Grapefruit and several medications interact similarly. If you are taking an immunosuppressive drug, an anti-epileptic drug, or a blood thinner—all of which require stable blood levels—this interaction is very crucial.

High-dose users of CBD may exhibit abnormalities in blood tests relating to the liver. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is one of several over-the-counter medications that has this same effect. If you use CBD on a regular basis, you should let your doctor know so that they can periodically check your liver enzymes.

The fact that CBD is largely advertised and sold as a supplement rather than a prescription raises serious safety concerns. The safety and quality of dietary supplements are not currently regulated by the FDA, and the CBD industry is not truly regulated by anybody. Therefore, you cannot be certain that the product you purchase has the active components at the recommended dosage.

The product can also include other unidentified ingredients. It is best to ensure that any CBD product you purchase has undergone independent laboratory testing, as confirmed by the COA (certificate of analysis) that should come with it.

How should one take CBD?

There are several ways to consume CBD, including as oils, tinctures, capsules, vape pens, patches, and topical skin treatments. A topical CBD-infused oil, lotion, or cream, or even a bath bomb, might be your best bet if you’re looking to reduce inflammation and relieve muscle and joint pain. As an alternative, CBD can enter the bloodstream straight through a CBC patch, tincture, or spray that is intended to be applied under the tongue. Dcotors advise against smoking anything, including CBD.

Outside of the US, multiple sclerosis-related muscular stiffness and cancer pain are approved uses for the prescription medication Sativex, which contains CBD as an active component. In the United States, some forms of epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis are approved uses of Epidiolex.

Cannabidiol’s financial position

Government investigation has been brought against several CBD producers for making ludicrous and unjustifiable claims, such as that CBD can treat COVID-19 or cancer, which is untrue. While further study is required, CBD is showing promise as a useful and mostly non-toxic treatment for chronic pain, sleeplessness, and anxiety. We are unable to determine the precise dosages of CBD without enough high-quality data from human trials. Additionally, CBD is presently mostly sold as an unregulated supplement, making it challenging to do research or know precisely what you are getting.

Make sure the CBD you want to test is coming from a reliable source. Once more, please talk to your doctor before using CBD or any other supplements to ensure that they won’t conflict with any other medications you are on.

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